Staging Tip #8 - Remove Pets and Hide The Evidence #homestaging #realestate

It is always best to remove pets completely from the house for the time that it is on the market. Evidence of pets such as toys, food dishes, and pet beds will put potential buyers on the look-out for damage throughout the house that may have been caused by your furry family members. By at least minimizing the appearance of pets in the home, buyers can focus on the home’s features, instead of scrutinizing and looking for flaws.

Staging Tip #9 - Aromas #homestaging #realestate #staging

We talked earlier about eliminating artificial air fresheners and replacing with a natural air neutralizer, but you still want to be sure to eliminate the causes of any bad odours. This means absolutely no smoking inside the house (or in a connecting garage), avoid cooking foods with strong odours such as garlic, onions, and curry, and keep pets and pet areas clean. By opening the windows for a few minutes daily, regardless of the season, you’ll also help to remove any stale odours that are lingering.